Archive for r: rant

under construction.

Although I probably won’t be able to tend to it ’til tomorrow… or maybe this weekend.

I’m a CSS freak, yo. And I just got over the ‘I hate underlines on links’, phase.

(Yes. Ganun ako kaarte. Beat it!)

I’ve been feeling pissy the past few days and I’ve no idea why. >_<

On the brighter side, I did my Kumon without a complaint today. Yay. *rolls eyes*



Ugh… I just got home from Kumon. Yeah. D8 Drained my brain again.

Seriously – who in the world needs to study DIFFERENTIAL Calculus in SUMMER? D8

Roar. >_<

On a different note, I am so~ rooting for Sakurai today. Just for the heck of it. xDD He is such a bamf, ya know? xDD

I’ve been listening to Believe earlier. Sakurap is soooo awesome! @_@


Oh, and I so adoreadoreadore Morimoto Ryutaro of HSJ! ^_^ I’m soo~ happy.


This person is Kenta. :3


Oh, and by the way, I just recently found out that Ryu-tan is taller than Oh-chan. ๐Ÿ˜› Lol.

I’m still rooting for Arashi, though. xDD


That’s all.


P.S. I updated my about me. There’s a link to the story of how I fell for Arashi, yeah~ Just saying for those who’re interested~


WP! ๐Ÿ˜€ Long time no update. ๐Ÿ˜›

Been hooked with LJ again < their icons are so pretty >. But I’m never gonna abandon you, darling~โ™ฅ


Anyhow, I met with onee-chan yesterday, and I was like all, “Nee-chan! OMFG!!! :D”

And yeah…

We spent almost 2 hours chatting and fangirling and browsing the photobooks (which she got all the way from Japan~).

And I got my pasalubong too~ < sheettt~ di ‘ko alam English ng pasalubonngggg~ xDD >

The neko ears, Popolo mag, the Lilo and Stitch notebook, monster keychain, mech pencil (which is so frickin’ awesome, by the way) and pencil case, nyaa! xDD Thank you for thinking of me, nee-chan!

Oh! And BTW, thank you for lending me the 5×10 DVD. Just wanted you to know that I already finished watching

I like Juntoshi now! ๐Ÿ˜€ xDD Those two are so adorkable~

And I’m falling in love with Arashi more and more~

Due to the fact that they went on with the concert under the rain , the glittery jacket they got for MatsuJun’s birthday, fan service, and more and more ‘n more! ๐Ÿ˜€


I decided to update this instead of LJ… Just for the heck of it.


I had a lootttt of fun yesterday~ And nee-chan, I wrote on the notebook already. I saw your note, yeah~โ™ฅ

Love ya all~


P.S. Please check out Stories Archive / Ashita no Kioku~ We’ve a kiriban, yo~ Check out the home page for more details~ Domo~

i want a cookie! D:

As in I’m seriouslyseriouslyseriously craving for it. D8

And… Chocolate.

And a vanilla sundae with blueberry toppings… r_r



Oh yeah~

I just wanted to post! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m bored, and I’m simply not in the mood to do my Kumon yet. I’ve an hour to use the computer < or at least, I hope I can sneak in a few more hours – and hope that mom wouldn’t notice~ >

Anyhow, I’ve decided to upload two pictures that had been sitting in my documents folder for a while now~

I’ve once considered giving the ‘Wedding Dress‘ deviation < could be seen in my Art Gallery > a tutorial (on how I color). But I thought I needed to improve a little bit more before I give one~ ^_^

Nyaa! It’s my Chikara hat~ ๐Ÿ™‚ Demo saa, the bell (stuck to the three pins) got lost. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Oh well~

Will just have to go to another con to buy more accessories for this~


Oh yeah~ Went for the header-less layout just for the heck of it. ^_^

I’ve always wanted to try using one so.. yeah~

It’s pretty green, but green is one of my favorite colors so bear with it, darling~

I would’ve gone for the blue, though… But I hate the font. ๐Ÿ˜› I might edit again tomorrow. ^^; I’m still not satisfied. I wish WP will allow CSS editing without the payment. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

newย layout?

Partially because I didn’t want to go to Kumon yet… But the main reason was:

I’m getting tired of squinting just to see the text. So… Ta dah~ Bigger text in brighter color. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Will edit my stuff later. Oh ho ho ho~ It’s gonna be a long~ edit.

Especially for my header. ^_^ I’m looking for a picture that will make me go all… *squee*


Oh, and by the way, welcome home, nee-chan.

finding a reason to blog?

Within a few minutes, I’ll have to do my Kumon.

But what can I say? ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m just lazy that way.

I want to draw. Seriously. I’m in fricking drawing mode and Kumon is in the way. *A* Ughh..

Anyhow, after worshipping Airi-sensei’s works for a couple of minutes, I decided that I wanted to draw again, thus leaving me in this state.

I need to practice anatomy, though.

I can’t wait to show Nee-chan and Enne-chan the finished output of [ m o n s t er ]! ๐Ÿ˜€ *they’re the only people who’re enthusiastic to see it, anyway xD – besides my dad, of course*

Happy mums’ day to all mums out there! ๐Ÿ™‚

Last Friday, I a present for my mum and my granny. Needless to say, I forgot to leave myself spare change and I had toย  run home.

Well, I usually walk home anyway, but the thing is, I had to run just in case my mother gets home earlier than I do… So.. Yeah.

I came home drenched in sweat. I stunk, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yesterday, me and my parents went to Divisoria < a local, dirty-ish market where I live > hunting for art supplies. ๐Ÿ™‚ I got a good bargain too! ๐Ÿ™‚ But we spent 3 hours walking around and around.

I got to see a lot of Chi-Fil, people! < mga kapatid ko? xD >

I was able to finish a good part of the [ m o n s t e r ] project last night < or should I say earlier this morning? >

I made countless mistakes though. But as an artist, I must never make mistakes. I needed to make it look like it was supposed to be a part of the picture. *laughs* It still looks good, I think.

Anyhow… Got to go now. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

< my father is nagging me – again >

G’day, mate! ๐Ÿ˜€

four oโ€™clockย am.

I slept at 4AM today. Praise me.


A childhood friend came to visit from Madrid, Spain. We spent almost ten hours catching up, nyaa. We accompanied her to the bus terminal at around 2AM, but ended up getting the tickets at around 4AM.

I just woke up, actually. Wanted to share this to the rest of the world before my puny brain forgets.

And sweet, mother of heaven – she gave me chocs~ ๐Ÿ™‚

We were arguing about which is better – Japan or Spain. Of course, she went for the latter and I defended the first~ Fun, nyaa~

Alrighty then! Offย  to do Kumon I wasn’t able to do yesterday~

firstย day.

I adore these idiots.

I adore these idiots. โ™ฅ

[Sho-chan’s suit does him no justice!]


I’ve no idea why I decided to go for WordPress. My LiVEJOURNAL is dying.

Oh well~

I think I had an existing account here…Well, had.

I don’t know. I’ve a short term memory syndrome, yo~

I’m still lost, to say the least. Still have a lot of pages to click and links to understand. I suddenly realized that WordPress isn’t very user friendly.

Meh~ I don’t really care. If this place is going to be my place of escape for the whole summer (or, perhaps, forever), then go~


I’ve just gotten home from Kumon (Google it for more information, yo – I’d rather not elaborate). My head doesn’t hurt at all (first time in weeks), but I still used that as an excuse to get my filthy, grubby paws on the computer.

I’m supposed to make nee-chan a super hot, smutty fic. Well, I did, demo saa, I’m still in the middle of adding the super hot smut.

Kami-sama… I fail.

Anyhow, I’ve a lot to do this… ‘summer vacation’.

I’m going to imagine it as ‘summer college’, because seriously, my schedule is going to kill my body clock. Ugh.

  1. Kumon.
  2. Review for college entrance exams.
  3. Finish a few songs on the piano.
  4. Finish my Arashi To-Do-List
    • Watch Kaibutsu-kun.
    • Watch Saigo no Yakusoku.
    • Snag myself a few more songs.
    • Online stalk them (and get a handful of interviews).
  5. Finish the doujinshi I promised nee-chan.

Kami-sama… Help me.

*runs off*

Finish my Arashi To-Do-List